Thai Massage


Thai Massage


Welcome to Thai tradition in its purest essence.

Traditional Thai Massage is a technique that was born more than two thousand years ago, thanks to the union between traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic knowledge.

This treatment is based on muscle stretching; the depth of the technique relieves tension in the tissues so that you can achieve a feeling of absolute well-being.

Ideal for releasing tension and balancing the emotional state. Thai massage is performed on a sturdy massage table, imported from Thailand. We will provide you with the appropriate clothing for the massage in our Thai massage center in Barcelona.

The legendary Thai massage, in Barcelona. Unique and exotic.

Our Thai massage focuses on working in depth on the musculature along with stretching the tissues, unblocking the power of the Sen paths: the energy lines that run through our body. In our centers you will discover the most ancient tradition of Thai massage, created more than 2,000 years ago, in which our Thai therapists have been trained working in the most emblematic Asian massage centers in different parts of the world.

The region now known as Thailand developed one of the best massage techniques in history, becoming a pillar of traditional Asian medicine: Thai massage. This treatment is considered Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO since 2019.

Balance your energies, live in true harmony.

This massage is indicated to harmonise skin cells and promote muscle repair.

You will discover how little by little the pain of the most troubled points, known as trigger points, is mitigated thanks to the pressure, and stretching that our Thai masseuses perform on different parts of your body.

How do we perform the Thai massage?

Our masseuses work on a special massage table imported from Thailand measuring 90×200 cm and 70 cm off the ground. In the room there are bamboos on the ceiling for the masseuse to keep her balance when standing on the massage table. This allows her to use her feet and legs during the massage to apply pressure to different points on your body. This treatment is also characterised by stretching like yoga and osteopathy, thanks to which our masseuses work on the most important points by means of acupressure.
We will provide you with comfortable clothes, ideal for the movement to flow throughout the session. Thanks to this, you will not need to bring anything in particular, it’s time to come and enjoy and immerse yourself in a total wellness experience at Thai Spa Massage.