Foot massage for future moms

Treats one of the most important areas of your body

The Thai foot and leg massage for pregnant women is especially dedicated to soothe and relax the most affected parts of the body during pregnancy, such as the legs and feet, as this is where all the weight of the new body rests. Start the massage with a gentle massage all over the area to be treated: feet and legs. Once the blood flow has been activated, our masseuses start the massage passes to reduce swelling and achieve complete relaxation.
Recommended from twelve weeks of pregnancy, it performed on a massage table and with essential oil.
Recommended from twelve weeks of pregnancy, it performed on a massage table and with essential oil.

Foot and leg massage

One of the most annoying parts of your legs and feet at this important time in your life is usually the legs and feet. At Thai Spa Massage we draw on ancient Thai wisdom to alleviate this inconvenience, creating an experience that goes beyond pain relief: enjoy and pamper yourself, we want you to have a moment to take care of your wellbeing.
This experience begins with a cleansing of the feet and legs and a subsequent gentle massage of the entire area to be treated. At this point you are ready to receive a traditional Thai foot and leg massage. Our masseuses are specialists, and the pampering goes hand in hand with traditional knowledge, generating a soothing effect. You will notice how the swelling is reduced and this will complete the deep relaxation experience for you at Thai Spa Massage.

Perfect combination with Thai foot and leg massage.

With the future mom foot and leg massage you can discover the relaxing benefits of this ancient Thai treatment. The feet are the part of the body that we tend to mistreat the most due to the use we make of them daily. They are also very sensitive reflex zones. Therefore, it is easy to notice results when they are massaged.
Experience a treatment that brings relief to the local area of the foot and other reflex zones. There are many types of essential oils, focused on improving circulation and combating tired feet, our therapists will choose the best one for you.