Eucalyptus essential oil: benefits and uses



With its refreshing aroma and therapeutic properties, this oil is an essential ally to improve breathing, relieve cold symptoms, and offer a purified environment.

Eucalyptus essential oil, extracted from the fragrant leaves of the eucalyptus tree, is a treasure of nature revered in aromatherapy and alternative medicine practices. Recognized for its intense, penetrating aroma and multiple healthy benefits, eucalyptus is especially appreciated for its ability to clear the airways, reduce muscle tension, and as a natural antidote to various respiratory ailments. In addition, its antiseptic and purifying power makes it a favorite to add to diffusers and cleaning products, creating a clean and stimulating environment in any space.
Una flor de eucalipto con largos estambres

Closeup of eucalyptus flower growing on tree outdoors.

A tree with special properties

The eucalyptus, whose scientific name is Eucalyptus L’Hér., derives from the Greek eukályptos, which means ‘well covered’, alluding to the seed protected in its capsule. This genus includes around seven hundred species of trees and some shrubs, belonging to the Myrtaceae family. Originally from Australia and New Guinea, eucalyptus trees have spread globally, establishing themselves in regions such as Colombia, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, the United States, South Africa and several countries in Europe. Predominantly used in forestry monocultures to produce cellulose pulp for paper, they are also used as a source of fuel, in the logging industry, and for the extraction of chemical products, in addition to being valued for their ornamental beauty and essential oil.

Mujer usando un gotero cuando agrega un poco de aceite esencial en un frasco para crear una mezcla

Woman using a dropper when adding some essential oil into a bottle to create a mixture.

How is eucalyptus essential oil extracted?

The extraction of eucalyptus essential oil is mainly carried out through a steam distillation process from the fresh leaves and young branches of the eucalyptus tree. This method involves passing steam through the plant material, which releases the essential oil contained in the cells of the leaves. Once released, the oil-laden vapor is cooled, condensing into a mixture of oil and water. Subsequently, the essential oil is separated from the water due to its lower density. This highly concentrated oil captures the pure essence and therapeutic properties of eucalyptus, being rich in eucalyptol, which constitutes up to 70-90% of its composition.

Oil quality and yield can vary significantly depending on several factors such as the species of eucalyptus used, weather conditions, harvest time and extraction method. The most valued eucalyptus oils come from specific species that are known for their high concentrations of beneficial components and their powerful aroma. In addition to eucalyptol, eucalyptus oil contains other compounds such as pinene and limonene, which contribute to its many medicinal and aromatic uses. This oil is widely used in pharmaceutical, cosmetic and cleaning products, standing out for its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties.
Plano detalle de un tallo de eucalipto

Closeup of eucalyptus branch.

What benefits does eucalyptus essential oil have?

Famous for its numerous health benefits, derived mainly from its powerful main component, eucalyptol is famous throughout the world and widely used in our massages. This compound not only gives the oil its characteristic refreshing and penetrating notes, but also gives it anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and disinfectant properties. It is widely used in traditional and modern medicine to treat various respiratory conditions, as it facilitates the dilation of the bronchi and helps clear nasal congestion. Its expectorant effect makes it invaluable in the treatment of colds, bronchitis, and other respiratory infections.

In addition to its respiratory applications, eucalyptus oil is prized for its ability to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. It is used as an ingredient in topical preparations for the treatment of muscle pain, arthritis, and other painful conditions. Its refreshing and revitalizing action improves blood circulation and promotes a feeling of general well-being. It is also an effective and natural insect repellent, offering a safe alternative to synthetic chemicals. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, it is commonly used in cleaning products, providing a natural and powerful way to disinfect and freshen the environment.

Benefits of eucalyptus essential oil

  1. Relief of respiratory symptoms: helps clear nasal congestion and facilitates breathing.
  2. Expectorant properties: effective in the treatment of colds and bronchitis.
  3. Anti-inflammatory effect: reduces inflammation in cases of joint and muscle pain.
  4. Anti-spasmodic properties: relieves spasms and pain, especially in muscles.
  5. Disinfectant action: ideal for cleaning and purifying environments, eliminating germs and bacteria.
  6. Natural insect repellent: offers protection against mosquitoes and other insects without the use of harmful chemicals.
  7. Circulation stimulant: promotes better blood circulation, contributing to cardiovascular health.
  8. Stress relief and mood improvement: Its refreshing aroma has a calming and revitalizing effect, ideal for reducing stress and improving mood.
Primer plano de un koala comiendo hojas de eucalipto

The well-known koala “Jhonny” from Sydney Zoo, feeding on a eucalyptus leaf.

Why do koalas eat eucalyptus leaves?

Koalas feed exclusively on eucalyptus leaves, a diet quite unusual in the animal kingdom due to its limited nutrient content and high toxicity for many species. These marsupials have developed a specialized digestive system that allows them to break down the essential oils of eucalyptus and toxic compounds present in the leaves, such as eucalyptol. Eucalyptus leaves also provide enough water that koalas rarely need to drink.

This restrictive dietary regime is an evolutionary adaptation that reduces competition for food, since few other species can subsist on the same food source. Additionally, koalas’ slow metabolism allows them to maximize nutrient extraction from these leaves, crucial for their survival in Australian forests.

Have you ever heard the noise a koala makes? If you’re curious, do click here.
Primer plano de un masaje en Thai Spa Massage con una botella de aceite

Closeup of eucalyptus branch.

How does eucalyptus essential oil influence a massage?

Eucalyptus essential oil, when used in massages, provides multiple therapeutic benefits that significantly improve the experience and results of the treatment. During a massage, eucalyptus oil is typically applied in combination with a carrier oil base, allowing the masseuse to glide their hands gently over the skin, thus making it easier to manipulate tense and sore muscles. This oil penetrates the skin and acts directly on inflamed tissues, reducing inflammation and providing palpable pain relief.

Additionally, the penetrating aroma of eucalyptus oil plays a crucial role in aromatherapy during massage. Inhaling its vapors helps clear the airways, which is especially beneficial for clients who suffer from nasal congestion or respiratory problems such as asthma. The refreshing and revitalizing effect of the aroma not only improves breathing, but also contributes to elevating mood and reducing stress. For these reasons, eucalyptus oil is a frequent addition to our massage sessions aimed at relaxation and recovery, offering both physical and emotional benefits that help clients feel rejuvenated and revitalized after the session.

If you want to enjoy a relaxing and aromatic experience with eucalyptus essential oil you can discover our aromatic massage and ask our experts for this oil for your experience!
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