Thailand Day in Barcelona 2019



This coming May 26 will be celebrated Thailand Day in Barcelona, with a festival that presents the best of Thai cuisine and culture to the public. The event will take place at the Arc de Triomf in Barcelona.

There you can soak up the Thai culture with different activities such as muay thai, traditional dances, thai street food and events designed especially for the little ones. In this way, you can go with friends or family to enjoy all the good things that Thailand has to offer.

Discover Thai culture in Barcelona

As great connoisseurs of Thai philosophy and culture, from Thai Spa Massage we want to encourage everyone to go through the Arc de Triomf since it is a celebration that is very popular to the public and proof of its success is that it is already the fifth edition.

Thailand is one of the most important countries on the Asian continent and its capital, Bangkok, is a highly sought-after tourist destination. However, if you can’t make it, this celebration brings the charm of Thailand to your own city so you understand why it is such a special place.

The word “thai” means “free” or “freedom” in Thai. That is one of the key elements in our treatments, and that is why our masseuses are so effective in bringing peace and tranquility to clients with really efficient treatments.

Of course, Thailand is a country of contrasts, where different ethnic groups and cultural traits mix, so Thailand Day 2019 is the perfect occasion to learn more about everything that makes that country so special and unique.

Tailandia: un paraíso en todos los sentidos

La Embajada de Tailandia en Madrid y la Asociación Amigos de Tailandia Samakkhi son los encargados de traer toda la magia de la cultura thai a la Ciudad Condal. Uno de los platos fuertes, nunca mejor dicho, será la oferta gastronómica, y es que la cocina tailandesa tiene auténticas delicias:

  • Som Tam (ensalada de papaya)
  • Pad Tai (fideos de arroz fritos)
  • Kai Pad Med Mamuang (plato de pollo)
  • Pad Krapau (arroz con pollo con chile y albahaca)
  • Kuai Tieow (sopa de fideos)
  • Yam Ma Khwa Yao (ensalada de berenjena)

El horario es de 11:30 a 18h, por lo que puedes aprovechar para hacer el aperitivo, comer o incluso merendar fuerte. La comida tailandesa es excepcional y aquí tienes la oportunidad de probarla de manos de verdaderos expertos.

Si quieres redondear el día, en Thai Spa Massage estamos abiertos de lunes a domingo (11-21h) y nuestro centro de masajes no se encuentra muy lejos del Arc de Triomf.

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